Building your wealth, steadily

You’ve heard the tale of the tortoise and the hare – the two critters who taught us “steady progress wins the race.” Their lesson isn’t exclusive to childhood stories; it’s also relevant to building and protecting wealth.

We’re not going to start referring to ourselves as “the tortoises of the wealth management world,” though when it comes to market cycles, we’ve been around the track a few times. However, the story is a metaphor that reflects both our team’s history and approach to managing our clients’ wealth. Geoff Pearlstein founded Pearlstein Wealth of RBC Dominion Securities in 1985 with a lofty goal: provide clients, at each stage of life, with expert advice and steady progress towards their wealth goals. And, when Michael Pearlstein – Geoff’s son and an accomplished wealth expert – joined the team in 2013, we merged the tools of today with sage experience and perseverance.

How we help

As a team, we take great pride in rolling up our sleeves to make steady progress towards your dreams. And we do this several ways:

  • We build an intimate understanding of your needs.
  • We select investment solutions that zig when the market – or life – zags.
  • We go beyond investing.
  • We work closely with your other experts.


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Quarterly Commentary

A Tale of Two Markets

Jul 17, 2024 | Pearlstein Wealth

In the US, much of the year-to-date gains have been concentrated in a handful of companies. Six stocks have accounted for 60% of the gains throughout the first half of the year.

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Capital Gains Taxes Up….However

Capital Gains Taxes Up….However

Apr 18, 2024 | Pearlstein Wealth

In the recently released federal budget, the government proposed to increase capital gains taxes in some cases

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2024 – The Year of Interest Rate Cuts and Elections

2024 – The Year of Interest Rate Cuts and Elections

Jan 17, 2024 | Pearlstein Wealth

During the last few months of 2023, financial markets performed very well because of the expectations that interest rate cuts would soon be upon us.

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Back to the Future

Oct 12, 2023 | Pearlstein Wealth

Interest rates are currently at their highest levels since 2007.

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